The Mind of a Servant Leader
What sets them apart, what makes them effective SERVANT LEADERS THINK differently from conventional authority figures. Their actions on a...

Match Leadership Style to the Situation
One go-to approach is not adequate for differing challenges LEADERSHIP IS HIGHLY situational. Success is usually determined by matching...

Your Leadership Vital Signs
How can you identify effective leaders? Look at their followers DAVE IS ONE of the most effective leaders I know. He has a long track...

On Becoming an Authentic Leader
People don't expect perfection, but do want leaders who are real THE LEADERSHIP CREDIBILITY you earn through your professional competence...

Building a Healthy High-Performance Culture
Your leadership values shape your strategic blueprint A DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR in a medical company asked me to visit and give her a...

Match Your Leadership to the Challenge
A single style of leadership is not sufficient for varying situations [Download PDF version]: Li #188 Match Your Leadership to the...

How to Multiply Problem-Solving and Innovation
Applying this single principle will empower your people to act [Download PDF version]: Li#169 How to Multiply Problem-Solving &...

Be a Cultural Architect
Culture shapes behavior and drives team performance [Download PDF]: Li #166 Be a Cultural Architect (includes diagram) [Download PDF]:...