"Tim's methods, presentation, and personal style make for a rich and exciting adventure down a clearly laid-out path, leading to accelerated professional and personal growth." ─ Megan Conoley, M.D., Medical Director, Clinician Experience, USMD Health System
Tim speaks on a number of topics regarding leadership and professional and personal growth. Whether you are looking for a keynote speaker or someone to lead an interactive workshop, Tim is an acknowledged expert on the topics of leadership, communication, and team effectiveness. Besides his honored status as a Master Sherpa Executive Coach, he is also a Certified Sherpa Leadership Institute Instructor.
Able to speak with authority on a number of subjects, Tim always carefully tailors his topics to meet the needs and goals of each leader and group. He is able to lead his workshops in person or remotely with effectiveness.
Above: Tim leading a workshop for the executives & managers of Suddath/Daryl Flood, Inc. Home Delivery. The topic was "Leadership Fundamentals & Personal Effectiveness."
Structured Workshops
"INSPIRE: The Art of Developing Self-Motivated, High-Performing Teams" -- There really is a way!
Motivating people is often considered an elusive ideal, but Tim takes the mystery out of it. Using his copyrighted "Hierarchy of Motivations," he explains how the leader of an entire organization, a department, or team can develop a healthy culture leading to great performance. This material can be presented in several ways: An all-day workshop, a half-day workshop, or broken into four two-hour workshops spaced out over time. If you are someone committed to building and leading an excellent team, you'll will find what need to know and do here.
"Managing Time for Greater Effectiveness" -- Time management concepts & methods that work in the real world
People at all levels of organizations struggle with time management. The real challenge, however, is actually not managing time, but managing yourself toward greater effectiveness. In this workshop, Tim shares a practical, real-world approach to managing your role and shaping time to accomplish your most important purposes. It can be delivered as an abbreviated two-hour workshop or an all-day training with more tools and greater opportunity to dig in.
"Communication and Team Effectiveness" (CTE) -- Improving team synergy & results
A half-day workshop that enables a senior leader and team leap into a new level of effectiveness. Team members learn what is most important to their leader, identify team strengths and weaknesses, and devise practical, doable plans and goals to make discernable improvement. This workshop is great for the leader and the team!

Above left: Tim leading a two-day Leadership workshop for CEOs of the Union League Boys & Girls Clubs (Chicago). Right: with Rob Simpson, Vice President of Worldwide Procurement & Logistics for Texas Instruments, after an all-day workshop on "Leadership and Holding People Accountable for Performance" for more than 75 TI executives and managers from all over the world.
"Coaching Skills for High Performance" (CSHP) -- Turning mere managers into higher level leaders
From a large trove of possible material (which can be delivered from a single to 2 1/2 full days), this workshop helps executives and managers learn how to adopt a coaching mindset and model in their managing. Participants received numerous tools and concepts that enables them to manage more efficiently and effectively, and also results in developing their employees to higher levels. It lays the foundation for a "coaching culture" for an organization.
"New Leader Assimilation" (NLA) -- Getting a jump start on a new working relationship
A half-day workshop similar to "Communication and Team Effectiveness" above, which jump-starts the working relationships between a new executive and his or her team. Why spend months feeling each other out and learning how to work together through trial and error when you can leap ahead to effective teamwork in a morning or afternoon? The speed of the adjustment is dramatically seen in immediate and long-term results.
"Expert Facilitated Coaching" (XFC) -- Improving the relationship between two key team members
As much as we may hate to admit it, conflict between two peer executives or between an executive and an important employee can occur. In this two-hour coaching session with both parties, Tim can help them understand themselves better, break through past disagreements, and build the foundation for working well together in the future. For the participants, it is an eye-opening experience and, for most, actually enjoyable. It is worth the investment for greater performance and employee retention.
Custom Workshops
Tim Stevenson brings his years of experience to the table to design a workshop clearly aimed at the needs and goals of your team or organization. Known to be "an exceptional listener," Tim can zero in on what problems and needs really exist and what can be done to improve them. Let him help you design exactly what you need at this time!

Above: Workshop for the Triad Healthcare Network Care Management team on "Managing Your Time for Greater Effectiveness." Workshops are interactive with interesting and informative exercises and discussion.