“Tim Stevenson is a prolific and intelligent writer, and this book proves it. In BETTER, Tim combines his many years of experience as a leader and developer of leaders with perspective gained through years as a university-certified Sherpa Coach. He is an expert on the topic of leadership, across industries and organizational charts. BETTER is a ‘must-read’ for leaders and for the coaches who make them better.” ─ Karl Corbett, Managing Partner, Sherpa Coaching, Publisher, The Executive Coaching Survey
BETTER: The Fundamentals of Leadership
Every significant group accomplishment -- and failure -- in the history of the world can be traced back to leadership. Leaders make things happen. Ideally, leaders make things BETTER. Organizations constantly search for quality leaders, but finding and developing them remains a perpetual challenge. In BETTER: The Fundamentals of Leadership, Tim Stevenson systematically presents the ABCs of leadership, those things that must be known and applied by everyone, from the beginner to the advanced leader. Whether you lead an entire organization or a small team, you will learn what you must know and do if you want others to follow you.
Always active as a writer, Tim publishes his FREE e-newsletter Leading Insights, with over 225 articles to date on leadership applications, managing principles, and personal effectiveness. Many of these can be found on the Articles page. If you would like to receive new Leading Insights articles as they are published (about twice monthly), click the subscribe button below.

Sherpa Executive Presence Series:
Acumen & Transparency
In 2020 Sherpa Coaching released the 10 Booklets in its Executive Presence Series. Each was coauthored by Sherpa cofounder Brenda Corbett and a Master Sherpa Coach. Tim was asked to write two of them, including his own insights and material: Acumen and Transparency.
These booklets can be purchased through the Online Bookstore at